Saturday, October 06, 2007

cheesy pick up lines

these cheesy pick up lines posted here are for my entertainment GG :X took em off candyro.forums

You must be the reason for global warming because you’re hot.

My love for yous like having to take a really bad shit. I just can't hold it in.

Can I take your picture, because I want to show Santa Claus want I want for Christmas

Do you have a Bandaid? Cuz I just scraped my knee falling for you.

Friday, October 05, 2007

hate math..

ugh......damn maths =.= why cant i be an asian who can do math?~?!? !@#@! i cant do maths even if my life depended on it =.= now my future is screwed!@#@! why did people have to invent math anwyay =.= ugh...

chocolate pleaseee =.= korean translation-chukulae.... =.=....


it takes courage for someone to suicide and yet greater courage for someone to live to "battle" life..

ugh...this sucks..

Thursday, October 04, 2007


eww.....parents-.- sometimes u cant stand alll..